It's natural for unlacquered brass items to tarnish over time, and finding the best way to clean them while preserving their beautiful finish can be a challenge.
We have tested several brass cleaning methods and We've come up with the most 5 easy and effective ones that really work.
You can easily bring back your brass items gleam with a few household products.
If you have a lacquered brass item, you should be aware that these cleaning methods may damage it.
Method 1: How to clean brass with baking soda and lemon
Ingredients: Cleaning time estimation: 15 min
- baking soda
- lemon juice
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of lemon juice and stir until it becomes a paste. Rub the mixture all over the piece with a soft rag, let it sit for 10 min then rinse it with warm water.
If you are impatient like me and want to get a job done without waiting, this method is for you, the mixture acts quickly on the surfaces of the item for a satisfying result.
Lemon juice is acidic which will keep your brass from turning green while the mild abrasiveness of baking soda will gently polish away any existing tarnish.
Method 2: How to clean brass with lemon and Salt
Ingredients: Cleaning time estimation: 15 min
- Salt
- Lemon juice
Mix equal parts of table salt, and lemon juice until the salt is dissolved, or take half of the lemon and coat it with salt. Now rub it on the surface of the tarnished brass for 10 min until it is clean, then rinse with warm water.
This method is very efficient, but you must be careful while rubbing. If you scrub too hard, rub marks may be left behind.
Using Lemon and salt polish to clean brass will provide a long-lasting shine that is resistant to tarnish. The lemon's acidic juices penetrate the brass, loosening oxidation while leaving a protective coating.
Method 3: How to clean brass with flour, Salt, and White Vinegar
- White vinegar
- Flour
- Salt
Method 4: How to clean brass with ketchup, Tomato Sauce, or Tomato Paste
Ingredients: Cleaning time estimation: 1h05min
- Ketchup or tomato paste
Ketchup, tomato paste, and tomato sauce all work equally well. Apply a layer of whichever one you choose to your brass and leave it on for an hour. Then wash with warm water and dish soap and let it dry.
This method is easy, economical, and effective at cleaning your brass. All you need is one ingredient -- ketchup.
Ketchup and tomato paste contains an acid that helps to remove tarnish on brass and other metals
Method 5: How to clean brass with lemon and dish soap
Ingredients: Cleaning time estimation: 35 min
- lemon juice
- dish soap
You can also clean your tarnished brass by running lemon juice over it. Let it sit for 30minutes, then scrub the pieces using a soft toothbrush and dish soap. Rinse well and dry with a clean, lint-free cloth or a soft towel
Mistakes to Avoid
Avoid scrubbing too hard – you may scratch the brass.
Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners they are abrasive and will damage the surface and the finish of the brass
Do not use any of these methods if the brass is lacquered/varnished
Never put brass in the dishwasher